"Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Atlas as a small child playing in the sand

Well here's a bummer... looks like my runner girl buddy, see previous post, received some bad news. Training may be out of the picture for the Chicago Marathon. Which problably means the same thing for the marathon. My heart goes out to her on this one and, more importantly, wishes for a speeding recovery from a nasty little injury.

Anyway, i've signed up to walk for a Relay for Life tomorrow. i figure i can use the time to run the track and get a bunch of laps in to check my rate. i figure i'll run tonite and tomrrow morning then go to the relay event and run some laps. i'm totally looking forward to spending some real me time running. The exercise value is great but mostly i enjoy the lonely me time. i've started to get away from my mp3 player for pace and listen to my own thoughts.

The Harley has a CD and radio on it. Similarly, i occasionally ride with no music to let the sounds of the wind and road dictate my thoughts. The feelings of riding and running are very similar. It's hard to explain the similarities other than type that everyone should read "Zen and the Artof Motorcycle Maintenance" to understand.

Which segues me to today, and the annual trip many bikers make to North Dakota. I've never been to Sturgis but it's on my list. Definitely something to be done when the kids are a little older. Not exactly family friendly.

One small problem is that the growth of the party is getting very close to Native American Holy Land of the plains states tribes. Lands where many native american pilgrimage to during the same time.

Think of attending church service with 500,000 bikers next door to you, drunken and some naked. It could be a little distracting from your reflective period.

My paradox is that i have membership to both groups. i ride and have a little native blood running through my veins.

Nothing too Earth shattering here. Just one of those things that cause me to stop and ponder.... hhmmmm... why do people seem to be polarizing themselves when obvious answers exist to allow for understanding and celebrating our different cultures?

"What a piece of work is man? How noble in reason?..." -Bill Wigglestick

Maybe i'll watch Braveheart tonite, and reflect on the lessons of Mel "what's so funny 'bout peace. love and understanding" Gibson. "FREEEEEEDOM, unless your views are different, somebody get me a beer"

thanks for reading

1 comment:

Kim said...

I would've just used "Atlas as a small child". Your audience is intelligent enough...