"Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882)

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Here i am running out of gas at the end of the Crim.

i guess i miss judged the finish line cause at the end i started my finals kick to finish about 200 yards to early and just didn't have anything left in the tank at the end.

Bummer? not really, cause i'm still happy with my finish

After a few days of perspective i finally realized my favorite part of the Crim...


It's so unique to the Crim. Between mile 3 & 4 you pass a little pop & shot corner bar. For 17 years, per conversation with other runners, this bar has been setting up their own version of a water station. That's right...


little dixie cups of beer. What a spectacular way to carbo load!!!

Now, i could pass up the fraternity guys handing out crispy creams at the third mile, but,


no way am i missing this.

Least favorite part of the CRIM. Bloody nipples...

Not mine, but some guy at the finish in a white cotton tee shirt with a bloody stream running down his shirt. I just about ralphed....

Dude, get some body glide next time, or at least a bandaid.

Anyway, i ran a good 5 miles tuesday and had a real fun 8 + yesterday. Summer must be almost over as i find myself running in the dark again. Time to break out my blinking lights again. As if i think it'll help cars see me.

thanks again for reading

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