"Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sounds like the start of one of those bad jokes....

A white man, a black man, a hispanic and a woman....

Except it's not a joke, it's what the Democratic primary ticket is going to look like.

Fun Guv here, sorry for Mike's prolonged absence. He says he's been really busy at work doing actual work stuff. He also said something about blogging not being what they pay him to do there ~ the nerve! He's been spending his few hours each evening going for a run and then spending some quality time with the kids either playing Uno Attack or Star Wars Legos II on the XBox with the over obsessed Star Wars geek, Jimmy.

I'll sit him down at the computer in the next day or so and make sure he updates. I know he's got a head full of things he wants to blog about ~ look out he may explode.


Gknee said...

Star Wars Legos II ROCKS! Time well spent in my opinion

Fun Guv said...

Jimmy would agree with you on that one. If you'd like I can send him down there to stay with you for a few days and then you too can be just as sick of the game as we are!!!! He has now "purchased" every single character etc available on that game.

Animal said...

Either get him on there...or, YOU could just take it over!

Gknee said...

haha...well...We don't have it for our xbox. Just pc..but we do have plenty of PC's. We could set him up in his own room with his own PC and just drop off food trays from time to time. Would be like a gamer prison. LOL. Jerry would probably set him up on his MMO to farm for gold like the chinese do..hmm..wait..this isn't sounding like a bad idea....