Now that is the boost I needed!
Since Mike has been too busy to post you guys are stuck with me...again!
Last night I was at colorguard rehearsal chatting with a couple of the parents. Now as the years go on I am getting closer to the parents ages than I'd like to think about. These particular parents will still be around with their youngest, a senior, when Mack is a freshman in the guard.
Long & short...we were chatting about the upcoming trip to Cedar Point the band is taking and if I was going to go. Unfortunately, it is the same weekend as the Detroit Marathon so I can't. I mentioned that my husband is running his 5th marathon that weekend. They were impressed and asked how old he was or something to that effect. I boastfully said he'd be 40 on Thursday (tomorrow). Again, impressed they said're only like 31 aren't you?!!!!?
Needless to say I had to pick my jaw up off the floor! I thanked them profusely for the compliment but then let them know I am 38. His turn to be shocked.
I have to say, that little exchange ~ it!
In other news...
Big huge thanks to Dad & Cheryl, we had a great time on Mackinac Island. The kids are still talking about it and can't wait to go back.
We chose the Shepler line because during the summer months they offer a ride under the bridge on their 10am run to the island. It was great...not a view you tend to get of the bridge every day. They slowed down and gave you a lot of history and building facts.
Jimmy got over his fear of the ferry ride and actually enjoyed it. Though he found it to be a little chilly.
We stayed at the beautiful Windermere Hotel. Can't beat the view or the relaxation factor sitting on that porch with a book or just enjoying the company and meeting new people.
We did the obligatory bike ride around the island. Jimmy did great considering he's on a smaller bike and has to pedal twice as much as the rest of us. The kids loved stopping and playing in the rocks. Jimmy, being the avid collector of rocks had to bring a few home with him.
Jimmy got himself a rifle and proceeded to guard us everywhere we went the rest of the week. He even had to take it into the fort with us. While at the fort he got the hat to complete the outfit.
It was tough getting on that ferry and heading back home.
Now it's time to get ready to send the kiddos back to school ~ YEAH!!! But first the kids & I are taking one more small camping trip with my mom. That should be interesting.
Mike got his assignments for Dances with Dirt on September 6th. He will be doing 3 legs:
*Butt Kicker~ Abyss and Death by Mosquitoes areas are good opportunity to sprain an ankle. Nasty decline & climb in middle followed by Butt Slider should make ankle swell doubl in size
*This Sucks~ Swamps can make it hard to get legs out of the earth. Plain old wicked, only the best get to run it.
* Vertigo ~Couple of nasty downhills that may give you vertigo. Portions of nice trail, road and hill climbs, off trail running and a flat ending. Mountain climbs and butt slides in middle. No rivers but some wading thorough high grass. Open area can be brutally hot.
Gee, that sounds like fun doesn't it?
I'll see if I can get Mike to sit down and post his thoughts soon.
Thanks for reading
I haven't gotten my leg assignments for DWD, but Vertigo is in the running (no pun intended)...
Happy 40th Luki!
I'll have to check in on you soon to see how training is going. I wish you had some forum where this information would be readily available. Maybe somebody will create something one day.
It's build time to Detroit! get DWD out of the way - enjoy that though! - and get busy.
And, sorry Fun Guv, I've always thought you look more like 32 3/4. What are you doing married to that old guy?
And...while up in the middle of the Island, did you stop by the Miller's place? Nooooo!
Happy b-day, and welcome to the Old Farts Club.
Actually Scott, Mike & Mack took a bike ride up there post middle island trek, but alas, no one was home. Mack just loved that bike ride up too! Then Mike brought her back through the woods by the Guv's mansion...she wasn't a very happy camper!
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